If you're like 99% of the people I know, you have some sort of SmartPhone (Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, etc). Have you ever checked your Marketplace/App Store for coupon apps?
I personally use SavingStar. Now, this one works differently. You link up your Rewards Card to your phone, then select your eCoupons. Make sure you use your Rewards Card at check-out. SavingStar doesn't take money off your bill, but once it verifies the coupon's been used (via your Rewards Card), it'll put the money from the coupon into your account. Once your account reaches $5 (minimum), you can cash out! SavingStar will deposit the money into your bank account, PayPal OR send you an Amazon gift card!
Link up with Shannon of Sweet Stella's and Shannon of Baby Shmizz for your Thursday BlogHop and other money saving tips!

AWESOME idea!!!