Shannon of Sweet Stella's is a WAHM (work-at-home-mom) and Shannon of Baby Shmizz is a working mom - they're teaming up to share how they work hard for their money by discussing money, job, business, coupons, anything that shows how to work hard for the money.
I am not an extreme couponer by any means (hello, 10 hours in a store? I think not). However, I have my own version of couponing.
I make lists. I write down everything we will need. This helps me stay on track so when I'm in the store, I'm focused. When I'm at the store, I compare prices (generic vs name brand and check out quantity). Generic is a great way to save money! However, there are a few things I refuse to go generic on - the quality of the name brand is worth the difference in price, to me.
I also will grab a Sunday paper (or browse through someone else's). I'll check out the flyers for the supermarkets to see what's available and on sale. If it's a good deal, I'll write it down. I also check out the coupon section prior to purchasing the paper - why waste $1.75 for a paper if there's nothing for me to gain from it?
I do coupon - but not to an extreme level. If I happen to see one I'll use, I grab it. I actually have an envelope in my purse solely devoted to coupons. Hannaford's is a great store with cheap price/good quality and they give you coupons at check-out! I've gotten some great coupons through there - $5 off a purchase of $60 or more, $1 off butter, $1 off eggs. I feel like I've saved some great money - but I've honestly never kept track.
Another thing I like to do is to use the Club stores. We live a little ways away from BJ's, however, I have a Sam's Club membership. The thing I like about my Sam's Club is that even though it's further away then BJ's, it has a gas station where you usually save about .05 cents per gallon. I know that doesn't seem like much, but it's easily .50 cents, if not more! Plus, buying things in bulk like toilet paper, paper towels, and meats are great. We buy gallon sized freezer bags then divide the meet up to appropriate portions and freeze. In the morning, before going to work, I'll grab a bag out of the freezer for it to thaw.
So there it is. That's how I work hard for my money. Link up with Shannon and Shannon

thanks for sharing~!! Lists keep us on track too, and we never deviate from them...if anything we make a great big list and then get there and say "do we really need to spend $ on that? NO" and take it off!
ReplyDeleteCant wait to see what you link up next week!
Gotta say I'm with you on BJ's and such for toilet paper and the like. I love BJ's coupons and save at least $30 when I go! Great post for those of us not into extreme couponing. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I'm a huge bjs shopper. And I love the gas station. Hope your having a fabulous weekend!